If you are reading this blog, then you already know, but it's fun to type and/or say, so I will.
I'm pregnant!
5 weeks 2 days, to be exact.
I found out on Thursday, November 18th. I was 11DPO and couldn't resist the urge to test early. I used a digital, and then took 6 more tests. You know, I had to be sure :)
This blessing came at a very bittersweet time in our lives. My beloved Papa passed away suddenly, and his funeral was held on the 17th. It is hard to combine the saddest and happiest days of one's life, but here we are. I am convinced that my Papa's first job as an angel was to pick the perfect baby for us. He got up to heaven, God hugged him and then said, "I have a very important job for you." He picked the perfect baby. He held it, and rocked it, and then he sent it on to us.
But, it is still a blessing, and a very hoped for one at that. Chris found out via phone, which wasn't what I had pictured, but he was very excited. We decided to call our baby "Little Point Guard" for now, until we know the gender and decide on a real name.
I will keep this blog updated for all of you to see progress, hear tales of symptoms (which there aren't many of right now), and stay informed as LPG grows.