Dearest LPG,
I have to say, first and foremost, how proud mommy and daddy are of you. You are growing so big and strong. Yesterday, we got to see your precious heartbeat flicker on a screen, and listen to the doctor praise you for measuring perfect. It wasn't rare, he said, but it's always a treat. You, my dear, are a treat to all who know you. You are bringing love and joy to a huge group of people. Please always remember that.
Last week, I told you a little bit about how mommy and daddy met. Today, I wanted to tell you about how we became a family forever. I promise it won't be so gag-worthy :)
In September of 2007, Daddy snuck out to a store and bought your mommy the prettiest ring in all the world. He was planning a big, lavish proposal at Disneyworld, or somewhere else exciting. But once he had the ring in the house, and hid it from me, he couldn't hold back. He couldn't wait. So within a week, he proposed. Our proposal wasn't lavish or "exciting" but it was amazing. We had just gotten home from the gym. I had showered and was busy stuffing my face with Little Caesar's Hot n Ready pizza (Who puts a pizza place next door to a gym?! A very savvy businessman, that's who). Daddy went to shower. After his shower, he called to me from the bedroom. "Honey, could you come here?" It sounded like he needed my help. So I went in, in my pajamas, still chomping pizza, and found your daddy on one knee. He found a way to surprise me. I can't remember what he said. I just remember it was perfect.
We had to pick a summer wedding date, because it was easiest for us to travel in the summer, and we wanted to have our wedding in Michigan. Originally, we were thinking August 1st or 2nd, but there were some struggles and other committments from our friends. So, we settled on August 8th. But first, we had to ask your Granny and Grandpa, because that is THEIR wedding anniversary. They were happy to share :)

Michigan and August are not usually a good combination. It is usally stifflingly hot and humid, so I was terrified for my hair (yes, these were my primary concerns, LPG. My hair). How lucky we were to have the most beautiful weekend in all of the summer. It cooled down to mid 70s, not an ounce of humidity and not a cloud in the sky. Absolutely perfect. Our wedding colors were blue and yellow, to honor the University of Michigan, although we changed the shades slightly :).

My wedding party consisted of: Your aunt Chelsey (my sister) as my Maid of honor, your Aunt Emily (daddy's sister), Aunt Jamie (my best friend), Aunt Rhonda and Aunt Lisa. My goddaughter, Saige, and Lisa's daughter, Kayde, were our flower girls, and Tyler and Riley, were our ring bearers. They all stole the show :) Daddy's side was: Uncle Pat as Best man, Uncle Jon (Daddy's brother), Uncle Ben, Uncle Jason and Uncle Kevin. It was the best wedding party in all of the world.
We took pictures before our ceremony, because the drive between the ceremoy and the reception was about an hour, and we didn't want to make anyone wait for us. Daddy looked so very handsome all day, and everyone else looked gorgeous. Our pictures were perfect.

Then it was time for the big moment. Daddy's cousin Jacob played organ and piano for the processional. But for Mommy's turn, two of her dear friends joined on cello and violin and played "Con Ti Partiro." Walking to Daddy was the most amazing moment of my life (before finding out about you, now it's definitely you!). I knew that this day would be perfect, and that I would be his wife the next time I walked out of the church. Aunt Alana and Aunt Stacie read from the Bible throughout our ceremony, and Pastor Winningham did an amazing job. It was a perfect ceremony. One day, I'll show you the video.

Afterwards, we all piled into our gigantic hummer limo, where Daddy yelled out the window that he was married :) There were lots of toasts and general festivities before we arrived to the reception. Our reception was amazing. Aunt Jamie made the most beautiful centerpieces, and Aunt Chelsey helped to create the awesome place cards. I couldn't have asked for a more perfect setting.
Daddy and I danced to "Forever" by Ben Harper.

I danced with your Grandpa to "Rope the Moon" by John Michael Montgomery. I know that you will think your daddy could rope the moon, too. We surprised Granny and Grandpa by playing their wedding song so they could dance. Daddy danced with Nana to "Have I told you lately" by Rod Stewart. Our wedding party danced to "You've got a friend in me" from Toy Story. Then, we ate delicious food, delicious cake, and partied all night long. Mommy didn't even get to have one single drink! We had over 200 people to thank and hug. It as a spectacular party, and the only thing we did wrong was not having an exit strategy. We were basically there until everyone left. But that was ok, because we just got to enjoy the night even more.
LPG, I tell you this so you can know how incredibly in love your parents are. We had the wedding of our dreams. We would not have changed a single moment, and we loved it all. We are so very lucky to have such wonderful families and friends who contributed to our perfect evening. We went to Oahu for our honeymoon, and had the most amazing week, parasailing, taking helicopter tours, and learning about Hawaiian culture. One day, we will take you there, too, because it's so amazing. As your parents, we hope to give you the most perfect day of your life one day. We hope that you will grow up and find the one special person, whoever it may be, that makes you feel complete and whole. The person that you couldn't imagine not having in your life, and that even when they drive you crazy, you love them more than words can say.

Our dearest baby, you were born because of this unending love. No matter what happens in the world, or in your life, please know how deeply we love each other, and how deeply we love you. Our lives have been so magical up to this point that we can hardley believe we will be given a gift as precious as you to make it even better. But we are so thankful for the opportunity, and we promise to give you everything you've ever dreamed of.
Oh and also, Daddy won his game tonight. It was a good game. I know you were watching right along with me.
Love and free throws,