Total weight gain: Down 3 lbs as of this morning. The sinus infection and food aversions are helping that out.
Maternity clothes? Not for a while yet, considering my regular jeans are falling off of me.
Sleep: Pretty good
Best moment this week: Seeing LPG on the u/s machine, measuring PERFECTLY to the day.
Gender: Def feeilng boy all week long
Craving: Eggs, thanks to Ashley. But on the whole, not really a fan of any food.
Movement: Nada
Labor Signs: No.
Belly Button in or out? In.
What I miss: Eating? I haven't felt like eating because when I do, I gag.
What I am looking forward to: NT scan on the 18th
Milestones: Knowing LPG is a perfect A Student
And without further ado.... LPG!

I have no idea what I'm looking at, but I love it desperately.
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