Dearest LPG,
Today is 1/11/11 and we are 11 weeks together! I think that's pretty special. I hope you have had a great week of growing. Mommy and Daddy can hear your heartbeat on our doppler now. We know for sure it's you, because at first, we were hearing me and THOUGHT it was you. But now we hear me, and we hear your little heart beat chugging away right behind it. It made your daddy smile so big. He thought you were waving and saying "HI DADDY!" He loves you so much, and so do I. We are less than one week away from seeing you again, and we can't wait. Neither can all of our students! They are so anxious for you, and apparently think of themselves as 14 year old aunts and uncles. Goofballs, the lot of them! Either way, it's nice to have so many people excited for you.
This week isn't too deep or meaningful. I just wanted to tell you a little bit about your 2 pets. These two furry animals will be at home when you get there, so introducing you now seems quite logical :) They are already quite interested in you, and seem to recognize that something is different. But mostly, I just want to share with you because you have the two best animals on the planet, and they will love you and take care of you as you grow up. (I will add pictures of them, later, but they are all on my other computer for now).
First of all, let's talk about your kitty, Beezer. Beezer is somewhere around 7 years old (we think). When Daddy moved to California in 2005, Mommy still had another year of college to complete. He was quite lonesome, so he decided to get a cat. Right about when he made that decision, he had a student who was moving away, and couldn't take their cat with them. It was a black cat, which is exactly what Daddy wanted. They said he was about 3 years old then. So, Daddy adopted him. At the time, his name was Kitty. The weekend that Daddy adopted him, Mommy flew out to visit, and they came up with his name together. He looked like a panther, and John VanBiesbrock was a goalie for the Florida Panthers. People used to call him "Beezer" and chant it. When mommy said the name, jokingly, it immediately fit this fat black cat in front of them.
Beezer is an odd cat, but you'll come to discover that most cats are odd. His favorite thing is food. Any type of food. His fat stomach gives that away pretty quickly. His second favorite thing is sleeping. Beezer is a champion sleeper! His third favorite thing is talking, and his forth is head-butts. Beezer is not overly affectionate, but when he wants to cuddle, he WANTS to cuddle. Sometimes he sleeps at Mommy's feet, and sometimes, he stays by himself in the living room. We were worried that Beezer wouldn't be a "kid" animal. But, not too long ago, we had 2 toddlers in the house. Beezer was perfectly well behaved, let them chase him, and even pull his tail! We are happy to see that Beezer is ready for you, LPG! You may hear us call him: Beezo, Beezo-kitty, Mr. Kittykins, or Kittums. He will probably think most of your stuff is his stuff. That is just his way. :)
Now, let's talk about your dog. LPG, you don't know it yet, but you have the greatest dog in all the world. This is no exaggeration, and many people would back up this statement completely. Your dog, Lucy, is special. And so is how she came to be in our family. In February 2007, Mommy was teaching Saturday school at the high school. It is a big detention hall for bad kids. She decided to hold it in her classroom, instead of the main hall, because she had work to do. At around noon, she was letting the kids out and getting ready to go home. As she escorted them to the gate, they all saw a tiny puppy running laps around Mommy's portable. Each time she would run by, she would let out a "GRUFF," and continue running. A student pointed out a pile of dogfood to the side of the gate, and said, "I think someone left it here." Your mommy has a bleeding heart when it comes to animals, so she called for the students to grab it. But this little pup was illusive, and snuck by them into the street. At least 6 students were chasing her down, trying to grab her. She nearly got run over by a truck! Finally, by sheer luck, a student was able to snatch her up as she ran by. She brought her to mommy. Mommy called Daddy to say she would be late, because she was taking this little puppy to the humane society. Daddy said, "Puppy? Is she cute?" And she was. She looked like a baby german shepherd, but she was REALLY long. So, Daddy asked Mommy to bring her by the apartment first. She did, and the moment she set the dog on the floor, she bounded over to daddy, jumped in his lap and licked his face. I'm pretty sure his heart melted in that moment. However, the pup was very well behaved. She didn't pee on the floor at all. So, we knew it was the right thing to do to take her in, in case someone had indeed lost her. Mommy called the humane society every day for the week holding period. No one came to claim her. So on the day she was available, Mommy took a sick day, and went and adopted her.
Lucy is the sweetest, most loving, most adorable dog. She is part german shepherd and part daschund. That means she's part weiner dog! Lucy loves her mommy and daddy more than anything, and loves to be near them all the time. She also loves to tug, chew, and have running time (just like outside Mommy's classroom). Lucy is very well behaved, and hates to make Mommy or Daddy upset. She loves her morning treats, LOVES her blue buffalo food, and loves her kitty brother. Beezer has recently decided to love her, too, so they are a happy family. Lucy has gone through a lot in her little life, and we are so very happy that she's ours. We know that one day, when you first stand up, she will be there, right beside you. The perfect height to learn how to walk. Lucy will be YOUR dog, and she will love you and give you lots of kisses.
LPG, you can see that we are bringing you into a very happy and loving family. Until you, our pets have been our babies. We love them, and we know they will love you, look out for you, and play with you all the time. We promise to always have animals for you to play with, because they make more fun and definitely more loving!
Well, LPG, the next time I write to you, I will have seen your perfect little self on an ultrasound screen again. I cannot wait. Until then, wish Daddy luck on his big rivalry game tonight! You will be there, with me, cheering in the stands!
Love always,
Your mommy